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What is a hybrid diaper?

A hybrid diaper allows families to choose different inserts to fit their needs. It is comprised of a reusable cloth diaper cover that is a paired with the insert of your choice.

Real life demands flexibility. With the Flip™ hybrid diaper system, parents can choose from three absorbent inserts to meet their changing needs. Change it up with stay-dry, organic cotton or disposable inserts. 

EFFECTIVE. Stay-dry inserts pull moisture away from baby's bum so they feel dry.
GENTLE. Organic cotton is a gentle fiber for baby's delicate skin.
CONVENIENT. Choose disposable while traveling or on the go.
OPTIONS. Use a nighttime insert for overnight or heavy wetters.
VERSATILE. Not ready to commit to cloth diapers? That's ok. You can use a Flip diaper cover over a disposable diaper to prevent blowouts.

The Flip Diapering System is manufactured by Cotton Babies, makers of bumGenius, but comes at a much lower price point than other hybrid products on the market.